Coronavirus Update

We are pleased to announce:-
The Government and Bowls England Covid 19 guidelines will be strictly followed.

For this year ONLY
The Club offers a reduced membership fee to NEW MEMBERS of £5.00.

We are open to new membership. 😀

Potential New Club Members Please Note:

If you are interested to learn more about the club and cannot attend our Open Day, feel free to call in to the club any Friday evening from 5.45pm when we have our club friendly league game and any member would be glad to show you round and let you have a taste of outdoor bowling.

Or ring Brenda on 01255 479035, Eileen on 01255 863067 or Viv on 01255 813855.

We hope to meet you soon. All are welcome.

Fixtures 2020

Key for Codes

CC = Club Competition CF = Club Friendly LF = Ladies Friendly LL Ladies Tendring Hundred League

Mens Tendring Hundred Leagues

WIN = Windsor PREM = Premier STAN = Stanford THL = Competition

Venue H = Home A = Away Dress = W for Whites G for Greys

Clown smiling




Carpt Bowls starts on Monday 23rd September at 2.00pm.

There will be two sessions a week, Monday and Wednesday both at 2.00pm

Wear casual clothes and clean shoes.

There will be a £10.00 joining fee and sessions will cost £1.00 a time and 50p for tea and coffee.

There is a pre-Christmas Party on Saturday 30th November at 7.00pm with "Rock and Roll Dave", he was brilliant last year. £5.00 a ticket, £6.00 for non-members.

Please bring a plate of food for the buffet.

Keep your eye on the social notice board for future events.